Saturday, 9 April 2016

Into Spring

Finally, I emerged from illness and found that Spring was upon us! It's been a relatively quiet and peaceful month. I've been working on two specific projects: an article on Raymond Williams and performance, and a chapter on thirties' British drama for a Cambridge Companion book. Normally I have a dozen projects on the go at any one time, so it has been rather nice to focus on just two projects. I've also taken some time out over the past few days to think about future plans - there are so many projects I want to begin. I just have to clear the decks first.

Speaking of taking time out, the past three weeks we've been on Easter holiday break. It's been rather wonderful to plan my own schedules and fill my days with concentrated writing. We spent the first weekend with my folks celebrating my dad's 65th birthday. We had a proper party and ate a lot of cake. Our wonderful nephew wandered about entertaining everyone! The Easter weekend was spent in Edinburgh with the other side of the family, and we had a great few days celebrating, playing football in the park and laughing with our nieces. I am pleased to report that D won the brother-v-brother FIFA PS4 competition. There was a lot of pride at stake! We travelled up to Edinburgh in the new car - the heated seats are a bonus when you reach Berwick!

Term starts back up on Monday and we have three and a bit weeks of teaching left before the summer break arrives. It is always an odd term as it is mostly about assessments, performances and essay writing. Hoping to be able to support the students through this rather anxious period. There is lots to look forward to after that, including holiday (Australia-bound - we've booked everything now), Springsteen gig, work trips (to France, Russia and...Aberystwyth), new writing projects and marking...lots and lots of marking.

Spent lunchtime today outside with Dostoevsky overlooking the Trent and the fields of horse and dogs. The sun was really quite warm. I love this time of year - it feels exciting, new and full of potential.

Have a great weekend friends!