It has been a week of meetings and I've had some good chances to chat with my new colleagues. My little office corner is looking a little more lived in and the books are starting to stack up. Teaching starts on Tuesday and I'm looking forward to finally meeting the students. One of the great things about working in a drama dept is that there is always someone to borrow a tool kit from, so I headed home with a hammer in my bag after promising Graham that I wouldn't commit any crime with it as his prints are all over it. I was putting pictures up rather than doing anyone in, by the way.
While doing a bit of ironing last night I decided to rewatch one of my favourite BBC adaptations, 'North and South'. This version of Gaskell's brilliant book is fab, and everyone who has borrowed it has loved it. It is partly filmed in Edinburgh (actually you can see my old workplace in one shot) and Gaskell based many of her books in a Mancunian-esque (oh, honestly, that isn't even a word! Pretentious academic speak is catching) city space so it combines two of my old stomping grounds together. It is the perfect ironing DVD...

...and has the lovely Richard Armitage as Mr Thornton.
Enjoy the weekend
Might need to pull out N & S again!! Headin down to Leeds in a couple hours. We'll see if the Lord says "Go" like He did to David (1 Sam 23)!