Monday, 26 April 2010

The power of the headband

In the past two days I have seen two sides of D. Yesterday we spent a lovely Sunday with a family from church. Now they (like a number of families at LEC) have a wee doggy called Bobby. D is scared of dogs. Actually this isn't quite true - from afar D really likes dogs as proven this evening when we continued our enjoyment of Christopher Guest films with Best in Show. However he took quite a shine to Bobby and took him round the park on a lead in the bright Lincolnshire sunshine. D's theory on dogs? "If a human with massive teeth who couldn't talk came up to you, you'd run a mile". Fair enough.

And today saw us back on the squash court. Over the past few weeks we have improved considerably and can now play a mean game. Today, however, despite playing quite respectably, D won every game and even 'grannied' me three times. He was on fire! We put it down to his new Nike headband which makes him look a little like Mark Knopfler (especially as his hair is quite long and curly at the mo). It is a good look and certainly made a difference to his game. Didn't miss a shot all match! My evening was improved only by 1) salmon on offer in Morrison's and 2) the new Asia album, Omega, which was delivered in today's post. Have only listened to a couple of tracks so far but have a jolly train ride tomorrow. I have got a few journal articles to plough through so it will keep me going. So far it sounds terrific. John's voice is as good as ever, CP is still amazing, Geoff is masterful on the keys and Steve's guitar playing is second to none. Can't wait to listen to it in its entirety.

So running over to Stockport tomorrow for the night to see Dad treading the boards for the first time in 15 years. Can't wait to see him back on stage. It is a very quick visit but I'm looking forward to catching up with Mum and Dad, if only for a night. Then it's straight into rehearsals on Wednesday morning. Phew!

Have a mega week one and all.


  1. Slight correction. 5 grannies. And the headband is all Cliff.

  2. "I like small speakers, I like tall speakers'. Ha ha. And stop gloating boyo!


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