Friday, 7 May 2010

The day of reckoning

It has not only been our first year students that have been assessed this week but, in case you haven't noticed, the great British population made up their minds about the government too. In fact all the first year assessed pieces have somehow alluded to this momentous event - art imitating life and all that.

So what to make of last night? D went for a snooze at 9pm-ish and awoke at 1am-ish to stay up through the night. I finally flopped into bed at 2.30am. He came through at 5am to tell me that Lincoln had (quite surprisingly) turned blue overnight. I've watched proceedings with interest throughout the day. What a tangled web we weave! We both enjoyed voting in our new town and it's been entertaining to get a handle on East Midland's politics over the past couple of weeks.

And so on to a fairly quiet weekend, I hope. I haven't done a great deal of reading this week due to assessments so I'm looking forward to opening a book or two. Have been reading JB Priestley's Time and the Conways to pass the time between tutorials. I'm hoping it might get a mention in the new book. It's an interesting play as, although it's written in a fairly naturalistic style, it has this wonderful metatheatrical central theme. Possibly useful. Also hoping to do a bit of tidying - it really is getting out of control!

And so term has officially finished for the first and second years. Still some third year assessment to go but I can just sit back and enjoy that. I have really enjoyed my first full term as a proper academic. There have certainly been some challenges and I'm still getting my head round some bits and pieces, but largely it has been good fun. Looking forward to a new cohort in September...although I'm anticipating a long summer before then. Contrary to popular belief, I actually work quite hard in the summer break :-)

Anyways, I have the second series of Ashes to Ashes to start this evening and a cup of tea with my name on it.

Enjoy the weekend

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