Monday, 14 February 2011

Sniffle...Happy Valentine's...sniffle...Day

I am definitely on the way up. I still have watery eyes and a sniffly nose but in the past couple of hours I have definitely felt better. The only good thing about being ill is when it stops! It always reminds us how great it is to be well. Actually there is another good thing...watching films! I watched two in twelve hours yesterday - the lovely Amazing Grace, about William Wilberforce and the Keira version of Pride and Prejudice. And before I get emails telling me that the latter is a pale reflection of the BBC version, I beg to differ. Yes, Keira is wrong for Elizabeth, we miss the gorgeous Colin Firth and the whole thing is just too quick, but this film has incredible cinematography. It is just the most beautiful movie. And you suddenly become aware of class differences. Unlike the BBC version, you actually realise why Mr Darcy had problems with Elizabeth's family background.

Today I have done a good amount of work considering my fuzzy head. I've just about finished the second book proposal and am nearing the end of the dreaded Greenwood paper. I'll be glad when this one is done and sent off. D arrived back with a selection of delicious M&S meals - Valentine's Day made easy! We never celebrate Valentine's Day or, indeed, any other days you are supposed to celebrate. Everyday life is great enough and, though that sounds a little gushy, I really mean it. So, while this is a heart and flower free zone, I do have posh vanilla yogurt for pudding.

Tomorrow I'm in a long meeting all day so hopefully I'll feel all ready to go. I'm up for a quiet evening watching University Challenge tonight. It's been three days since my last workout so I'm itching to get back to exercising. I might leave it until tomorrow though, to be on the safe side.

And check out I now have a posh website of my own, not just a blog. If you are here for academic reasons, then my new projects are up there. If you just like the chat, then...check out the groovy graphic, courtesy of D. Dinner will be up soon. Hoorah!


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