Saturday, 14 May 2011

Mancunian triumphs and Warden excitement

Saturday is here again and it's been a week of meetings, research and marking. The Book is coming on well, although I am at the stage of deleting words before I can write more. I've enjoyed a number of research-related meetings this week and feel thoroughly inspired. There are lots of little projects on the go and I've got a good plan for the summer.

Excitement is building for the Roger Waters' gig on Friday. We booked tickets for this ages ago and I haven't been allowed to watch any video clips on youtube. It's going to be mega, though I must admit I'm slightly nervous. At least we won't be waiting for Dave Gilmour to join him on stage. This historic event occured this week, unfortunately. D is off to watch Rush the night before. As part of my recent music education D has also booked tickets for, of all things, Iron Maiden in July. That should be a gig! You'll get full reviews, you lucky people.

To celebrate the start of a research summer, D and I want to the cinema on Wednesday night to watch Thor. I have a bit of a thing for these intelligent Marvel comic films and this was a good addition to the canon. He is a very striking young gentleman which only added to the general enjoyment.

And our China trip is just round the corner. We received our visas this week after a bit of faffing about in consulates. So it feels as if we can finally make some plans. Beijing just looks amazing. Be warned, there will be a lot of pictures to wade through.

Today is a lovely day of weekend relaxation. We started off with a game of squash (which D won) and then nipped into Waitrose on our way home. By this stage it became clear that Man United had won the league. Now I used to be a HUGE Man U fan but my fervour has waned over the past few years as money, spoilt superstars and foul-mouthed fans have ruined the game. Always good to see the Reds pick up another victory though. It was also delight for the team in blue as City won the FA cup. Manchester rules the footballing world! Tonight we are off for a jolly dinner at Doddington Hall.

And finally congratulations to our lovely friends Matt and Daisy on the birth of their wee girlie, Elloise. Hoorah and hooray.


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