You may be wondering what on earth the title is all about. Acwrimo is a Twitter-based academic community whose members have committed to a particular writing challenge during the month of November. It stands for 'Academic Writing Month', the university version of Movember. I have a plan which largely centres around the second book as I'm hoping to get a total first draft done by Christmas. This is hugely ambitious but also necessary - once term comes around there will be very little time. So far so good. Today was particularly good - 2500 words (ish) and I even had time to vacuum the house.
November has arrived with a chilly bang in Nocton. The weather has suddenly got colder. Our house now needs heating though it is nowhere near as cold as you might imagine for a 150 year old country house made of stone. As I'm working at home during the day, I am re-enacting my undergraduate days with hot water bottles and rugs. I actually really like writing in a chilly(ish) room as not only do I stay awake but I also feel like a poet in a garret or a character in Crime and Punishment. These are all good things.
D is also working hard and is getting through all the study by having long days and working evenings. We had a happy weekend though with lots of films, a bit of shopping and church yesterday. We finally saw Skyfall on Saturday night. I liked it, D loved it. I just felt that it relied very heavily on Batman. In fact, on the way home I went through all the similarities and it was a little frightening! All jolly good fun though. We also saw Moneyball and The Artist (my favourite of the weekend - so wonderful and I LOVED the dog).
Last week I also travelled up to Dundee. Spent a couple of days with the fam in Edinburgh (good library days and lots of happy times with them) and then travelled up to the University to give my first ever invited lecture. This felt like a bit of a milestone and was such terrific fun. A small but wonderful audience who really inspired me with their questions and contributions. Then dinner and a night away. Once again, I as reminded that research can connect with people and it can be exciting and communal and democratic and fun. Returned feeling full of energy. And in two weeks I get to go to Edge Hill in Lancashire for another invited talk. Also have a quick trip down to London to work on something in the British Library and then the Northern Modernism seminar in Nottingham. November looked quite quiet and is suddenly fair frantic.
And on the horizon I can see my sabbatical coming to an end. It has been a joyous time so far. Having the time to write and read and think and say yes to engagements without a thought has been fab. I have missed the students very much and have been glad to have received a couple of dissertation emails. But, by and large, I have slipped straight back into PhD mode - lots of writing, reading, tea, wrapped in a rug. My job is just the best. And when I go back I get to teach all the stuff I have been excited about while writing the new book!
Anyways, I'm going to start dinner and turn the computer off for the night. I have American elections, University Challenge and (on Saturday) horse-riding to look forward to this week.
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