Monday, 24 November 2014

Blimey O'Reilly, where does the time go?

For the past two weeks I have had 'write blog post' on my to do list. And here we are finally! Term kinda took over for a while back there. It has been a super busy time but full of exciting things, little trips, fun days out and big changes. So let's go back a few weeks:

Since last we 'spoke' I have taught a whole term of classes on academic skills, dissertation and the musical. It has been a pretty good combo and I've been fortunate to enjoy the company of some lovely, hard-working students. I've been a great Asia gig and a fantastic WWE (wrestling) event. I've been down to London (work), across to Manchester (twice) and through to Nottingham (a lot!). We've had a brilliant if windy weekend up in Scotland with the clan in celebration of Uncle Charlie's birthday and a lovely weekend in Cardiff meeting the newest addition to our family: my sister's (Smelly's) gorgeously cute new son. I've ridden a lovely new young horse called Blossom who is a bit of a handful and watched a collection of great films including both first parts of The Hobbit and Dallas Buyer's Club. Oh, and I've finished the proofs for the new book (out in February), actually written some words of the next book project (relief!) and started work on an enormous new project that will run to over 1.5 million words (not all written by me). And in our spare time we have been (hopefully successfully) house hunting.

So all quiet then! Teaching has now ended and I can launch into some proper writing time...after I've been to meetings in Oxford, completed the marking, taught an MA class and written some new tv programme treatments that is. The weather has cooled down here in rural Lincolnshire and the animals are all preparing to bed down for the winter. The mornings and evenings are darker, and I have to remember my torch for the nighttime walk home. But all is good and jolly. We're beginning to make Christmas plans and are looking forward to a couple of weeks of family, food and general festive jolliness.

I hope wherever you are that life is treating you well

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