Monday, 9 April 2018

New things

I write this new office at Loughborough University! I am absolutely delighted to have taken up a Senior Lectureship in English and Drama here as part of the institution's Excellence 100 programme. I know I have moved to a really brilliant University and I have already met a terrific bunch of people. Projects continue apace but it feels brilliant to be completing these projects in such a illustrious place of learning. And, of course, we are already well into the sporting culture here - D and I have already cheered Loughborough on in the basketball finals!

We have spent the last few months getting settled in our new house. We love it there - we have plenty of happy frogs (and now lots of frogspawn!), loads of birds and are gradually getting the garden in order. The house has been so comfortable from the moment we moved in and we've already had lots of folks round.

Apart from these two rather enormous changes we have just been enjoying pleasant days. We've been to Anglesey to celebrate my aunt and uncle's anniversary, have been to Edinburgh for Mother's Day and have been watching plenty of basketball (Go Riders!) and, of course, wrestling. Last night was Wrestlemania so I was up until well past 5am and then started my new job this morning (don't tell anyone!). Overall, it was a good first two thirds of Wrestlemania - great women's match, brilliant mixed tag, great opening triple threat. It did gradually die away a bit...though this might be because we were rather tired! We have a bunch of new Wrestling Resurgence projects coming up so have been particularly following the exploits of the British wrestlers out in New Orleans.

The next few weeks are just focused on getting into life at Loughborough really with some happy weekend treats in store - seeing dad in his first musical for a while, dinners out, family visiting. Moving house and jobs give me the opportunity to really think about the way forwards, new challenges and what we should be doing with our time and resources. We are both pretty excited about this new chapter in our lives!

Wherever you are in the world, hope life is good.

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