Wednesday, 31 March 2010

A Midweek message

So we are off to play squash in a bit. Currently limbering up -ha ha! Truth is I've been sitting back reading plays and marking student work. A pleasant sort of a day even though the weather is not so great. Not as bad as up in Auld Reekie though. They've had snow and all sorts up there. Once again D and I will have a jolly drive up the A1. Every time we take this road (which is bad enough at the best of times, especially after Newcastle) the weather seems to be against us. Let's hope it clears a little before tomorrow afternoon when we take the Skoda Superb for its first big spin.

So, Sunday evening (actually Monday morning - oops!) was one of my saddest sporting moments since losing a school hockey tournament to our arch-enemies, Arnold (I flung my keeper pads to the floor in a fit of pique!). Shawn Michaels hung up his boats (or spandex, I suppose) and wrestled for the last time. Now wrestling was one of D's interests that I thought I'd never get into. But actually for sheer theatricality you just can't beat it. I've become a bit of a fan of the Heart Break Kid and am sad to see him go. His final wave is currently my laptop wallpaper. Officially a geek? Yes, I think so...A great final match, though, which you can catch on youtube if your t'internet connection is quicker than ours (we are currently having a battle with Virgin as our broadband is SLOW - system upgrades, so they say). I have Chris Jericho's book on my desk at work and it is amazing what a conversation starter it is....and amazing how many wrestling fans there are!

Anyways, further to my comments on The Wire etc, here's a wee snippet from a conversation with Pastor James Harleman of Mars Hill Church in the States. Now I'm not a big fan of mega churches, in fact I largely think that if the crowds like it, then there must be something wrong about it (call me cynical if you like). But D and I have listened to a number of sermons from this church and have learned loads, especially from their Teaching Pastor, Mark Driscoll. So Pastor James says...

It’s true, some Christians think seeing anything beyond Disney films or PG movies is inherently sinful. However, this usually begins with an underlying premise that entertainment should be “safe distraction” and digestible pabulum for the believer.

The reality is, nothing is “safe” to watch. It disturbs me when Christians follow FCC and MPAA [ratings] guidelines and just assume and consume without discernment with no God-glorifying or evangelistic intent.

Disney films have terrible philosophy and theology. Some of the “family” films out there contain the most subversive content because they are 95 percent wholesome with a subtle twist.

Just because a film seems wholesome or ends happy doesn’t mean it’s godly. In fact, seemingly evil-free family fare that ends with “happily ever after” apart from the cross may be the most dangerous films of all.”

Just the fact that he uses the term 'digestible pabulum' makes me love this quote. The church runs these amazing film nights and he is responding to the criticism he has received over some of the things he has put on the bill. I reckon you could apply it across the board, and not just to Disney films. Check out the Mars Hill Blog and agree or disagree as you wish.

Well, I'm off to read a bit more of Edward Bond's Saved. It is a pretty bleak play all in all and contains one of the most shocking, violent scenes of British theatre history. Of course this is what it is notorious for, but, for me, its bleakness lies in the dialogue rather than the action. I think this is largely true of the modern world - I get much more depressed by people's day-to-day speech than by those big violent moments you see on the news. Bond says that it is "almost irresponsibly optimistic". I'm willing to been convinced!

I'll post over the weekend when we will be enjoying the pleasure of an Edinburgh Easter. Once again, don't even think about robbing the flat. Boris the bear is a trained killer and has recently learned the art of aikido. I'd keep out of his way if I were you.


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