So, it's Saturday chez Warden and the first weekend we aren't looking with a heavy heart towards Sunday/Monday when a week's separation looms. This makes for a much more relaxing weekend, proven by a serious lie-in this morning. We then went for a wee stroll in the sunshine (the weather has been amazing all week) and tried out Eskimoo. D has been wanting to pay a visit this place since he arrived so, on our way to buy D a new squash racket (so he has even more chance to beat me - boo!) we nipped in for a treat. This wee shop only sells milkshakes. They have about a million flavours. D went for a chocolate cookie dough and I plumped for a Daim bar. Amazing! I'm not usually the biggest milkshake fan and I enjoyed every slurp. So a recommendation for anyone who finds themselves in Lincoln with a few pounds in their pocket and a hearty appetite.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I'm off to tidy up a bit. Currently living in a bit of a madhouse, though on Monday the folks are finally arriving to change our wardrobe so the big brown boxes will no longer be in the bedroom. They've been there so long that I can't remember what the place looked like without know, like when you take your Christmas cards down!
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