Wednesday, 16 June 2010


Now, I often enjoy those lovely American housewifey blogs. You know the ones - the lady in question generally has a truck load of beautiful children, a vegetable garden and some really excellent storage. Well, in my small way I have emulated these 'practically perfect in every way' ladies by finally doing something about my kitchen. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of visiting us recently I now have a very small box kitchen with two doors leading into it. This means that storage space is at a premium. If you remember our flat in Timberbush you can imagine the trouble this has caused me - we could have held a ceilidh in our old kitchen! And so, to solve this problem, we have invested in a kitchen trolley. I did my best DIY job last night and now it stands proudly in our tidy, organised kitchen. I am as proud as punch and might even, in true American housewifey stylee, make muffins tomorrow. Yum!

Have spent the last few days getting back into work. This always takes a little bit of time but I finally cracked it today and had a very profitable time. I even came across a new gentleman who will prove to be very helpful as he project progresses. I love these wee moments of clarity - you feel a little like Sherlock Holmes searching for clues. Tomorrow is a day of meetings. The weather has been spectacular again in Lincoln today and I even read a book on my balcony for an hour over lunchtime. Sweet!

Well, so much for the World Cup. I must admit so far it has all been a bit dull. North Korea put on a good show yesterday and Switzerland pulled a surprise result out of the bag today, but otherwise it just feels a little flat. Not enough goals and too many slow games. I wonder whether the atmosphere will get even more dreary now that Bafana Bafana look to be going out after a lacklustre performance against Uruguay. Am hoping for a really excellent game to give the tournament a bit of a shake.

Anyways, I'm off to make some hot chocolate. D bought some special Green and Blacks stuff and it is really delicious. Perfect before bed. Hope everyone is doing really well.


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