So, we have now uploaded our holiday photos so I thought I'd give you a wee picture scrapbook to peruse. I know holiday snaps are deadly dull...just humour me!
So we began our trip in a beautiful thatched cottage in Somerset...
...with some stunning views and a lovely garden.
It was a fab chilled out start to our holiday.
After our helicopter trip we arrived in the very picturesque Isles of Scilly. For those of you who have never got down that far (it is a bloomin' long way!) here are some D-special photos...
Just to prove that I did actually get to the Scillies (and didn't download these photos from wikipedia) here I am walking round a pretty scary path on Tresco. The views are so wonderful in the north of the island. Our day on Tresco was an adventure indeed!

We also saw this rather amazing bird. He was quite friendly and followed us up the path. It is (according to Dad) a golden pheasant.
This next one is (unusually) a photo taken by my good self. I thought it looked a little like a folk band promo! Actually it is a picture of the fam. From left to right (see I've even got the band promo lingo down!): Smelly (sistery person), D, Stu (Smelly's Man), Dad and Mum. The next album will be out in the Spring...
You get a lot of boats in the Scillies and, once we had got our sea legs (which took some of us longer than others!) we enjoyed pottering about on the water.
D even got to drive (sail isn't quite accurate) a catamaran. He looks like a proper sailor in this picture! Aye, aye captain...
So, that's just a wee selection for you, concluding with a typical D photograph of two random old folks looking out. We have a number of photos in this genre (he also likes to take photos of other people taking photos - he has a unique artistic eye!) and this is a good one!
Hope you enjoyed that wee run through. Now I know how to upload photographs I might try and post a few more in the future.
All's well here. England got through, of course, which delighted 99% of Lincoln and caused frustration and upset chez Warden. A fun trip over to Stockport beckons at the weekend for a celebration. Happy Birthday Mum! The whole fam are getting together. It'll be quite a do!
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