So, we've had two days of the conference at Lincoln and I have written precisely nothing about it at Molemaison. This is mainly due to the schedule of conferences. Yesterday we (my friend Julia was staying) left the house at 8.30 and arrived back at just before 11. Phew! My paper went just fine on Friday - it wasn't ground-breaking or world-changing but, given that 21st century lit is not my strong point, I was relatively pleased. Friday evening we had a performance by
Tim Crouch. Not sure I can adequately describe this really except that it is a one man show about perception and the audience gaze. Very clever, I thought. It got us thinking anyhow. Yesterday we had some more great papers and the Poet Laureate,
Carol Ann Duffy, gave a reading. Not a massive fan of her poetry but readings are always lovely, peaceful affairs and it was very enjoyable. Conferences are funny things really. You spend your time smoozing and trying to be on your best behaviour. There are A LOT of words - chat, panels, plenaries, more chat, food and chat, coffee and chat, cold tea and chat.
"Words, words, I'm so sick of words," as
Eliza Doolittle would have said! All fun though.
And now it is Sunday morning and, though the conference continues apace, I have a peaceful day of rest before me. Sundays are good. More conference tomorrow and a week of meetings (only Tuesday) and days at home writing a paper for a conference in September. I am applying for a special bursary so need to get my paper in ASAP.
Outside of work, the weather continues to be summery, though it is a little windy and cloudy this morning. I finished my latest Sharpe book last night before bed. Sharpe's Triumph was an early one - in fact, Sharpe was still a sergeant at the start of it (I won't tell you whether he still was by the end!). I really like these books (and the TV series). As you can see from the 'I'm reading...' list, I have a lot of books on the go right now. Some are work-related and some just for fun. I've ordered a few Amazon bargains recently so have Rebecca West's Return of the Soldier, Victor Hugo's Les Miserables (I read half of this book when I was a lot younger), James McPherson's Battle Cry for Freedom (about the American Civil War) on my shelf and a number of books by wrestlers or round-the-world yachtsman that D is encouraging me to read. I'm always happy if I have at least five books on the go at any one time. Only occasionally do I mix up characters or get confused about plot. And that just brings an extra element of fun to proceedings!
Anyways, a little more tea would make for a very pleasant start to the day so I'll go and boil the kettle. Have a great Sunday one and all.