Friday, 23 July 2010

The end of another working week

I thought I'd write this post during my afternoon coffee break (actually I'm drinking a Diet Coke and eating a wee Mrs Crimbles macaroon). Currently writing the language chapter of the book. When I start a new chapter like this I like a full quiet day without any other commitments. I might not be writing every second but I need the 'head time'. And this is exactly what I have had today. Hoorah! It has gone rather well and I am up to 1388 chapter words. Not bad for one day of thinking/writing. Mega!

It has actually been a week like that, for which I am very grateful. It does mean, however, that you don't see many actual people (other than D, of course!). Too much time in one's head (especially when you are reading mad Expressionist drama) is never good. So I was glad for a coffee with a colleague yesterday and the visit of our friends, Rachael, Jake and wee Bel. They came to visit on their way to Norwich and we had a very jolly time. It was so nice to see Edinburgh friends. And tonight the in-laws arrive for the weekend. Lincoln City are playing Celtic (I know, weird huh? Lincoln's manager used to play for Celtic) so the boys are off to watch. Ailsa and I will go and find something better to do :-) We are really looking forward to having them to stay.

Not much else going on. A good squash game last night (we have quite close games until D puts on the afterburners!), episodes of Life on Mars, reading the London Review, cleaning the house, doing the washing, having a great tea at Nando's (we were meant to go to see Inception as well but couldn't get in - boo! - so we'll try and get tickets next week) and enjoying Leviathan. I have been reading this book for quite a long while. This is not because I don't like it but rather because it is the type of book you can dip in and out of. I have learnt a great deal about whales. It moves from Moby Dick to discuss these great beasts in more detail. It isn't a biology book though. Rather it is a historical, literary celebration of the whale. Beautifully written, this book contains some of the saddest stories I have read in a good long while. I'd really recommend it. I have a pile of books to read when I'm finished including a biography of Friedrich Engels, a book about sailing round the world and a novel by Rebecca West. Phew! We are nothing if not diverse in the Warden household. D is reading a book about Baptists leant to us by a friend at LEC. Given that neither of us have a Baptist background we both find the whole thing a little confusing. I, for one, am hoping to find out what Strict Baptists are strict about!

Anyways, that's quite long enough, thank you. I'll do a wee bit more and then change the sheets upstairs in preparation for our visitors. Have a magnificent weekend.


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