Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Sunday Review and an afternoon break

I have spent the last hour considering poetic imagery and listening to bizarre Dada 'poetry'. Check it out at Ubuweb if you have a spare five minutes. Karavane is my current favourite. There wasn't really a British 'Hugo Ball' equivalent in 1916 but I think his work might be auseful and interesting addition to my language chapter. The book is going well today. I have a lot to do yet and a couple of the chapters still feel extremely fragmented (ironically given the content!) but I can say with some certainty that we are getting there. My current music choices include Trevor Rabin soundtracks with a bit of lovely John Wetton thrown in when I need something to sing along with. Sweet! Sorry for not updating my reading list for a while; you'll be glad to see that all is present and correct now.

Anyways, we had a lovely weekend with the in-laws. Lincoln lost but the boys enjoyed the game. We had a relaxing afternoon tea and the whole thing was topped off by dinner at Doddington Hall. On to Sunday, we enjoyed a great evening sermon about being downcast from Psalm 42. This is one of my favourite Psalms. In fact one of the first songs I ever wrote was a paraphrase of these verses for a good friend of mine who suffered from depression. Writing songs is a very cathartic experience, I find, though few people ever get to hear them...don't expect an album any time soon!

We also finished the first series of Life on Mars. Nothing was resolved so it's on to the second series. I just love it - cleverly scripted (a rare thing for British TV) and a lovingly (and accurately) reconstructed 1970s.

We're hoping to get tickets for Inception tomorrow after last week's debacle. D is very excited about this film. I'll post a review here when I can. Other than that it's a week of book writing. Oh, and I have to finish this paper on theatre and regionality by Friday - phew! I'm going to do another hour before making tea (fajitas all the way tonight) so I'll leave you to it.


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