Friday, 16 July 2010

And into the weekend...

So, dinner is in the oven (fish fingers and chips - yes, we are 6 years old! I'm even going to serve alphabet spaghetti with it. Oh, too yum!) and D is watching the golf so I thought I'd write a brief blog post as we head into the weekend. The golf is dominating Warden thought at the mo. It is only a recent interest of mine. I dip in and out, but get quite excited when it comes to the big tournament. The Open this year is from St Andrews, a place D and I know very well. Ask him to give you the Reformation tour and he'll even point out where Patrick Hamilton was burned at the stake.

I had a couple of meetings on Tuesday (including with my new boss!) but otherwise it has been book writing at home. It is all going rather well. I am working my way through the 'structure chapter' at the moment and am really enjoying the process. It is rather like piecing together a criminal case (Sherlock Holmes-esque) as there is so much information to put into some sort of order. I am hoping to get the whole first draft done by Christmas so I'd better get a shifty on.

After watching both series of Ashes to Ashes earlier this year, D and I have started on the earlier Gene Hunt series, Life on Mars. It is good to have Hunt back in our lives and it is really interesting telly - a rare thing I find. We've also been playing a bit of D's new Wii Mario Game. I am completely hopeless at computer games but in this one I can play a Luma and just help D out. This is much more pleasant! As for current reading matter, I am enjoying a few wonderful articles in the London Review of Books as a break from book research but fiction/'fun' reading has been put to one side for the week as I get enough written words during the day!

A quiet weekend coming up. Sunday is quite busy with church lunch and a service at the local nursing home. I am 'doing a turn' so I'd better get my guitar head on! Tomorrow will be spent cleaning, working and watching golf I should think, although we might head out for breakfast. Anyways, I can smell fishfingers so I'd better get off.
Enjoy the weekend one and all.

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